The difference between memorizing and understanding: Don't fall into the trap of hoarding!

Let us try to establish a definition f conservation versus understanding: Preservation means "cloning" individual states and stuffing them into the head, while understanding means "assimilating" the ideas that explain the general characteristics and the orderly relationships of those individual states and all that resemble them. When someone advises you to "learn the basics", that's exactly what they want to say to you. But learning the basics of any science will not happen before first learning the "terms" used in it. Although this point is intuitive, it is frighteningly overlooked. It is well known that the same word may mean completely different meanings according to the science in which it is used. Ignorance in the correct sense of the term in the context of the science you are studying means that you will never understand it, which means that you will automatically resort to memorization. It is assumed that the main job of a teac...